
Posts Tagged ‘networking’

Why Playstation Vita?

July 30, 2012 5 comments

I’ve had my Playstation Vita since it released back in February. Since then I’ve enjoyed a host of games, features, and possibilities. Even yet, there’s more to come. With this enjoyment comes a bit of disappointment. Not in the Vita, but in that others do not see it’s potential or just blast it. Which is fine, people are entitled to their opinions and some just don’t enjoy those features I enjoy about it. However one opinion I dislike is the notion that the Vita has no games or nothing to offer.  To that, I felt the urge to share with my readers why I feel that’s untrue.  As well as to give people some great tips and information on what all the Vita has to offer. Read more…

Diablo 3 Early Thoughts

May 23, 2012 Leave a comment

It’s no question, the Diablo series is just one of those games that just takes large amounts of hours to get a true grasp on how to rate it. One major reason is because it just keeps getting harder and harder. So I have to say, I have a question on how well it will pan out in Nightmare, so I may be doing another full review later. For now, Early Thoughts!

I can’t really explain much of the story, as it’s riddled with plot turns.  Many of which very early.  The story revolves in the world of Sanctuary, 20 years after the events of Diablo 2.  Deckard Cain is investigating some prophecy text in Tristram.  A ball of fire falls from the sky and crashes through the ground and Cain falls into it’s depths before his niece Leah’s eyes.  An unknown hero is drawn to this falling object and is later recruited by Leah’s pleas to find Cain.  All the while, the forces of hell rise up to take over the world of Sanctuary. Read more…