
Posts Tagged ‘3’

New AC3 Liberation Footage and Info

August 17, 2012 Leave a comment

Playstation Blog posted recently an interview they did with Assassin’s Creed 3: Liberations story writer Richard Farrese.  With it, we got some juicy intel on how this amazing Vita game will play when it’s released October 30th.  There has also been a released footage (no audio) of mission playthroughs by IGN. Read more…

Diablo 3 Early Thoughts

May 23, 2012 Leave a comment

It’s no question, the Diablo series is just one of those games that just takes large amounts of hours to get a true grasp on how to rate it. One major reason is because it just keeps getting harder and harder. So I have to say, I have a question on how well it will pan out in Nightmare, so I may be doing another full review later. For now, Early Thoughts!

I can’t really explain much of the story, as it’s riddled with plot turns.  Many of which very early.  The story revolves in the world of Sanctuary, 20 years after the events of Diablo 2.  Deckard Cain is investigating some prophecy text in Tristram.  A ball of fire falls from the sky and crashes through the ground and Cain falls into it’s depths before his niece Leah’s eyes.  An unknown hero is drawn to this falling object and is later recruited by Leah’s pleas to find Cain.  All the while, the forces of hell rise up to take over the world of Sanctuary. Read more…

Valkyria Duel?

March 30, 2012 1 comment

Sega has made a recent trademark filing for 3 titles, one titled “Valkyria Duel.”  Is this to be another addition to the Valkyria Chronicles series?  While nothing news wise has been leaked of the Valkyria Chronicles flavor, a fan can only hope.  However, as I’ve stated elsewhere with titles such as Shining Blade taking over the engine, it seemed as if Sega has given up on Valkyria Chronicles in it’s current form.

It could be that Sega may take the name sake of Valkyria and run with it in another direction such as a IOS game or social game.  I pray not.  If it’s anything like VC1-3, I just hope it’s not on the PSP platform.  That way it has some shred of chance of making it to the west.  Time will tell.  For now, all we have is a name.

Source on Trademarking: Andriasang

The Fall of Resident Evil

March 15, 2012 2 comments

One day many years back in 1996, I was visiting a friend who got a copy of Resident Evil.  Right off the bat I realized this game was going to be a thrill ride.  Featuring horror right out of a movie and pre-rendered environments that set the mood for eerie.  The puzzles were many, the horror was immense, the suspense was great, and the thrills were around each corner.

Soon after, Capcom released a sequel Resident Evil 2.  At that time, I had my own PS1, so I quickly snagged this title.  It featured something very unique.  It contained 2 disks, 1 for Leon the hero, and one for Claire the heroine.  While both of them were in the same area, their paths were quite different as well as their goals.  Resident Evil 2 easily became my favorite Resident Evil of all time.  It had horror, zombie filled streets, survival, great actors, challenge, and a sense of helplessness.  This came out to an amazing experience. Read more…

Gears of War 3 Review

January 13, 2012 Leave a comment

The third installment of Gears of War franchise is both revolutionary and fun.  I’ve been through the mayhem of the first and second title.  However it seems like 3 kicked it up a notch.  So without further ado, lets get into this review!

Story: Unlike the other Gears of War titles, this title has some plotlines and twists.  While they arn’t novel quality, they definitely help to push you forward.  Right off the bat you’re introduced to the coward president who holds information on Marcus’ dad being alive, a video.  In this video he pleads for Marcus to find him as he has the key to getting rid of the lambent.  Throughout this installment, you find the lambent isn’t only effecting Locus, but also humans, so it’s vital to get rid of it.

Read more…

PS3 Vs. Xbox360 Vs. Wii

January 6, 2012 Leave a comment

While setting up the review page, I realized I had never Wii or PS3.  I’m not really into reviewing them as a whole, but rather how it compares to it’s competition.  You can check plenty of videos for graphics, gameplay, etc.  However as for which one stands out the most for you is what is important.  I wanted to do a Pro/Cons list for each Console to give you an idea of which one is better if you’re looking to get into the game today.

While it’s hard to say which console is better for any particular person, and these Pros and Cons may not agree with your opinion, they are just here to help.  I’m in no way your decision maker.  Take these Pros and Cons as an unbias person’s perspective that owns and loves each console for what they are. Read more…

2012 Looking Up For JRPGs

January 2, 2012 5 comments

Life of a fan of Japanese gaming from the west has it’s ups and downs.  At times you get great games to spend hours upon.  While at other times you go so long wondering if Japan still loves you.  Getting a localization of great titles just seems like pulling teeth at times.  Well, it almost seemed like 2011 was one of those years.

Well, negativity aside, it looks like 2012 is shaping up.  Companies are looking to bring their great titles to the west and JRPG fans are ready to snag them up.  Here’s a lineup I put together to get you all as excited as I am.  Some may debate that some arn’t “RPG”, you get the gist.

Valkyria Chronicles 3 (PSP): While Sega told Gamespot a solid ‘no’ to it’s localization in the west, after a huge signature campagne the question of their minds being changed went up in the air again.  Maybe we won’t see it on PSP, but there’s still a chance for a Vita port which would be amazing.  So.. while most my hopes are shattered, I still keep shred somewhere in the back of my mind.  [Unconfirmed – Unlikely]

Tales of Graces f (PS3): Finally an amazing new Tales title is coming to America.  This installment is the first PS3 exclusive Tales game for the West and it gets the amazing sharpness in graphics to support it.  I may have to get a second PS3 on standby because I may kill my PS3 playing this to death.  [Confirmed March 13 Release Date] Read more…

Nintendo 3DS First Impressions

December 26, 2011 Leave a comment

I’m always happy to admit when I’m wrong.  In the past I have been pretty critical of the Nintendo 3DS handheld Console.  Claiming the 3D is a gimmick, the games are terrible, the graphics are a minimal upgrade, the battery life bites, and the game selection is minut.  While a few of those are still true, I’m amazed about how wrong I was in others.

Well, for future reference, Cabbit has received a wonderful gift for Christmas.  A 3DS!  So you’ll see reviews for this great console here!  While I got no games with it, I commend my parents for their attempt at understanding my gaming love and getting me something I could really use (besides gift cards, cloths, and cologne).  After waiting for a day to get to a store and get a screen protector, case, and a game; I finally got to experience it. Read more…

Spike Game Awards

December 11, 2011 2 comments

Well, caught the end of the 2011 VGA on Spike… while I can’t claim it’s been a great year personally for gaming, others disagree.  But they gathered hundreds of movie stars that wouldn’t know Mario from Zelda and paid a bunch of musicians I never knew to play music half of the stars and producers hate.  Throw in some awkward obsession with pressing male genitalia on speakers (‘teabagging’) and some other creepy moments and you have a great hollywood attempt at caring about gaming!

Anyhow, jokes aside I thought I’d chime in on some decisions Read more…

Fable 3 Review (PC)

December 7, 2011 Leave a comment

So, you’re thinking about buying Fable 3 for P.C.  Well let me help you figure out what side of the fence your on.

Starting the game, you open up choosing either male or female and drop right into your kingdom as a prince or princess.  You’ll quickly find yourself making morality choices and building your character.

Big point to keep in mind is the game’s main storyline progresses severly fast and without spoiling anything I highly suggest if you’re playing “good” and you want to stay “good” make 10Million before heading to Aurora.  You need the money for an army.  The game will give you no warning.  Read more…