
Posts Tagged ‘better’

Nintendo 3DS Vs Playstation Vita

April 13, 2012 10 comments

With the days of PSP and DS coming to an end, some may be asking what the next generation has to offer. Do they go for the 3DS or the Vita in the 8th Generation Handheld market. Well, the choice always comes down to what you want out of your system. I hope this article can answer all those questions and help you in deciding which to go after.  So before the Nintendroids and Sonybots come carry me away, let’s get started!  This is a semi-opinionated post.  I have both the Vita and 3DS with 6 titles to each.  So I have experienced both consoles.

The 3DS features a very nicely crafted flat analog stick, a push snappy directional pad, 2 shoulder buttons, 4 push snap action buttons, and a pressure based touch screen. The Vita on the otherhand features 2 analog sticks, 4 pressure action buttons, a smooth pressure directional pad, 2 shoulder buttons, and a touch screen front and back.

While they both have about the same amount of buttons, I can’t help but mention how much I hate the snappy feel of the 3DS’s Directional Pad and Action Buttons. The feel cheap and hurt when used over a long period of time. Or held down for a game like Mario Kart 7. At the same time, I love the 3DS’s analog stick design as compared to the Vita’s. It feels more comfortable and controllable, but at the same time the Vita’s seems more precise. As well as you get 2 of them which is great for shooters and 3D platformers. Read more…

PS3 Vs. Xbox360 Vs. Wii

January 6, 2012 Leave a comment

While setting up the review page, I realized I had never Wii or PS3.  I’m not really into reviewing them as a whole, but rather how it compares to it’s competition.  You can check plenty of videos for graphics, gameplay, etc.  However as for which one stands out the most for you is what is important.  I wanted to do a Pro/Cons list for each Console to give you an idea of which one is better if you’re looking to get into the game today.

While it’s hard to say which console is better for any particular person, and these Pros and Cons may not agree with your opinion, they are just here to help.  I’m in no way your decision maker.  Take these Pros and Cons as an unbias person’s perspective that owns and loves each console for what they are. Read more…