
Posts Tagged ‘aqua’

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Review

November 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Well, despite my better judgement, I put aside playing the first Kingdom Hearts games to jump into this PSP gem.  While Birth By Sleep is a prequel, and many claimed a player would be lost in it without playing the others, I had little issue with playing only 80% of the first.  However I’d imagine a lot of what’s here is spoiler for the others.  So be careful if you’re in my shoes and want to play the others.  The game has 3 characters and playing each has alternate story viewpoints.  This is based off of completing 100% of Terra, 30% of Ventus, and 20% of Aqua.  Anyhow, on with the review!!

Story: You start off from the viewpoint of one of 3 characters in an academy for Keyblade Masters.  Warriors that yield sword like keys that fight darkness and are able to unlock the hearts of others.  Aqua and Terra are facing finals to see who would get title of Keyblade Master.  While everyone has both darkness and light inside their heart, Terra is seen unable to control the darkness in his heart and fails the exam, while Aqua is deemed worthy.  Shortly after, Terra and Aqua are sent on a mission to find out why beings of shadow are appearing throughout other worlds. Read more…