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Final Fantasy IX Review

Final Fantasy 9 was one of those titles that I just for some reason, passed by.  I remember subtly playing it back when it came out.  I was so excited for it because it was being hailed as bringing the classic FF back to the new.  The old classes of black, white, blue mages, dragoons, etc.  It also brought back and old style of almost 3D renderings of cartoonish sprites.  Alas, it didn’t last long.  I fell off from it out of disinterest and about that time my interest turned to MMOs and FPSs.

Time to correct the past.  I snagged it on both PS1 but ended up grabbing it on the PSN to play on my PSP.  I jumped right in and started bashing baddies.  Sadly however I ran into a rut again.  For some reason, this game has a very dry start that is hard to get passed for me.  But I pushed through it finally and I’m glad to say it’s finally somewhat interesting now.  So near the end, here is my review.

Story: What can I say that doesn’t sound too negative.  Sadly all the way until the third disk, this game is a bore.  The story is unique and complex in a way but it moves so slow and drags on plot lines.  Like… really~ drags on plot lines.  About Disk 3 it really starts to peak my interest and I’m interested to see how it turns out.  I just wish it wasn’t so painful to get there.

Characters: I liked the characters a lot.  Granted Kuja could use some pants, Garnet/Dagger’s outfit looks like a jump suit made love to some overalls, I HATE Stiener, and the Joker twins make me want to throw my PSP; Vivi balances that hate out.  I love Vivi.

They all feel unique and interesting to watch.  So I have to commend Square on some great character design and a style that made it work.

Sound: A FF title is nothing without it’s amazing music.  However sadly there was quite a bit of music in this one that just didn’t settle with my ears and I wished I had a BGM setting.  But those times were few and granted all of this music definitely fit and drew you into the environment of this world.

Graphics: What can I say?  This game was near top most quality that the PS1 could offer.  No games around these days matched up in quality with FF9.  I loved the cutscenes, the artistic style of the characters and buildings and the combat visuals were great.

Gameplay: The gameplay in FF9 is very solid.  It reminds me what I missed from the old turn based days of FF.  Great combat, decent mini games, and a very flowing story.

I however dislike the amount of time your party is split up.  One moment your playing 4 characters, then you’re playing only 2 of them, then the other two.  All gear equipped to one person is kept on them, so if you’re leveling abilities, you can get locked out.  Then you have the problem with some characters being way more outleveled than others because they never level along with the other group.  It’s just annoying.  It’s great for plot points but having to level twice as more bites.

Speaking of leveling and abilities, this game’s ability system is pretty golden.  Similar to Tales of Vesperia, each equipment has special abilities attached to them.  Equipping the item allows you to use that ability, wear it long enough and gain AP and you’ll master it.  Once mastered you can use that ability without that equipment on.  These can be passives like status immunity and HP boost; to actives like spells and skills.  However each ability has to be equipped and you are limited to how many you can equip.  So it’s a strategic value.  If you’re fighting a lot of humans, putting on Human Killer is helpful.  Boss does a lot of sleep and you’re having trouble beating it, put on Insomniac.

Rants: I really hate how much missables are in this game.  Spots where you can gain something but it’s not apparent so you miss it.  Stealing is also very annoying.  I wasted an hour and a half trying to steal a flute from one boss (never got it).  Neither is a biggy, but they should be noted.

Overall: I enjoyed this title.  While it took me forever to get into it, post mid Disk 2 I started to really enjoy it.  Definitely a must buy for Final Fantasy fans.  For RPG fans in general, there’s a lot to be had here.  Graphics are still very good especially on PSP’s screen.

4 Paws Out Of 5


  • Great and Unique Story
  • Good Amount Of Customization
  • Best Visuals From PS1
  • Tons of Fun Side Quests And Treasures.
  • Fun Mix of Classic Classes/Jobs


  • Slow Plotline
  • Lots of Miss’ables
  • Lots Of Party Splits
  • Slightly Slow Battle Loads
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